Inventory Control

KANBAN and ABC & FSN analysis ensures efficient Inventory management

Inventory Control

Incorporate Roadmap ERP's Inventory Control module into your business and be ushered with a panoramic view of inventory throughout the Supply Chain. Unique Unit of Measurement system and Coding of items, project details of the whereabouts, dates of expiry, and the Levels of Stock of Materials. This prompts: effective real-time tracking of inventory levels even between multiple warehouses geographically separated; automatic replenishment of stock; Invoicing; smart inventory retirement; issuance of material on a single click for all sorts of material request; and maintenance of buffer stock to avoid unexpected delays in replenishing inventory or Excess Sales. Achieve superior efficiency by realizing balance between Supply and Demand.


Based on ABC and FSN analysis' projections; get the benefit of 'selective replenishing advise'; implement 'weighed purchasing policy'; and attain cost efficiency by curbing the over stocking of items that are seldom required.

Effectively track and manage costs of goods sold and inventory holding costs, through the facts acquired from automatically generated GL entries from inventory transactions.

Be equipped with the Lot and Serial number Control of individual products to track and control the Levels of Stock, smartly issue Products based on expiry dates, and effect the automated removal of expired stock.

Get the advantage of Multiple Warehousing, and be alerted of product-wise stock levels across multiple warehouses; through automated generation of stock level reports, based on periodical verification.

Aided by the KANBAN inventory-control, actuate lean manufacturing or just-in-time manufacturing process; and attain high cost efficiency standards through the intelligent stocking of your inventory.

Achieve efficiency in your time management through the automated processing of our Inventory Control module, which enables automated replenishment of stock; and issue material of all sorts on a single click of a mouse.

Promotes Your Business Process

Stay connected and constantly be updated on your Inventory Control and Warehouse Management along with the panoramic view of inventory throughout your Supply Chain. Thus, ensure consistent supply of material to your workflow.

Real time tracking

Effective Real time tracking of inventory levels even between multiple warehouses geographically separated.

Maintenance of stock

Efficient maintenance of stock batches through KANBAN Inventory Control; ABC analysis; and FSN analysis.

Cost Management

Manage costs of goods sold and inventory holding costs, through automatically generated GL entries.

Automatic Replenishing

The module's integration with the manufacturing process facilitates the automated generation of POs to refill and keep the Inventory well stocked.

Item Code

Track and control the Levels of Stock through the provision of Lot and Serial number to individual products.

Time Efficiency

Efficiently handle your planned Order Release quantity by being able to issue materials of all sorts from your inventory on a single click of a mouse.

Extending the Power of Roadmap ERP

The Roadmap core applications fit most business needs. However, your business is unique and you may desire to extend the functionality with some pre-built integrated functionality provided by our software partners.

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